The International Steam Pages

Guest Steam Video Clip

For some years when YouTube was very ordinary in terms of steam content,
I used to upload videos,  but I have not updated this section since 2009.

Now, I have started to add Java sugar steam videos to my YouTube channel
Click here for more information (final addition 25th February 2014).

Further videos are now being regularly added from India (stationary steam), Pakistan and China.

Every week or so (when I was based in Beijing) I used to load up a 320 x 240 video clip (normally 'wmv' format, 1 to 3Mb file size; sorry if your browser won't play it, but it was the quickest and easiest thing for me and most others to do). Click the image to play the video. If your browser refuses to play it then you my have to "enable active content" for this page. But perhaps you would be better to right click and choose to save the file which will help us on bandwidth costs so you don't have to revisit to see it again and is more or less essential if you have a dial up connection. If you have a suitable clip of your own of 'real steam', (steam locomotive or stationary steam engine) then please email me as below (it's not a link, you have to type it), similarly if you have any comments:


I get very little feedback but this section has registered over 51000 'pageloads' since inception in mid-March 2007 (60 a day on average). More contributors are always very welcome, if not you may get tired of a diet of my and one or two other people's favourites.

Click here for an index to archived clips.

It doesn't take long browsing to discover that most of the steam clips (other than those which are part of a commercial site) available on the web constitute an abuse of technology. But if you know any exceptions, I will be happy to link to them. But these are likely to be of interest to readers of this page. 

Bryan Acford's China video clips - (link changed, 21st October 2013), in case the page moves later you can try for a link to it.

Graham Roberts' Kenya video clips -

Our own ISV DVD page with links to downloadable sample clips.

Our own clips on these pages are taken from present and
future ISV DVDs. These are properly researched quality documentary films with a story to tell.
'National Geographic Stuff' said one purchaser.

We also offer industrial archaeology compilation DVDs from our travels to steam powered mills in Asia.

Check out this link for a fascinating story (26th November 2009):


South Africa George - Knysna, July 1990 (Ameling Algra, 22nd November 2009)


A few minutes after sunrise on March 3 1994, the overnight Chetak-Express from Udaipur to Delhi has stopped at a remote station somewhere in the countryside. Then smoke in the distance, whistle blows permanent, and here comes the prestige train of Western Railways, the "Palace on Wheels", pulled by two metre gauge steam engines in supershine condition. Count the coaches... (Andeas Illert, 26th September 2009)
South Africa - Vryheid Coronation GEA (Ex SAR#4023) arrives at SAR Hlobane Exchange yards in May 1989 (RM, 18th September 2009)
Brazil - Cruzeiro, 7th August 2009, the last working Sentinel goes about its business in front of an appreciative tour group (Andreas Illert, 11th September 2009)

India - Katwa narrow gauge, February 1992 (Ameling Algra, 6th September 2009)

Cuba - Mill 443 Pepito Tey 2-8-0 #1337 departs from the mill in February 1997.(RM, 31st August 2009)

South Africa - Last train of the day Patensie-Loerie, taking Patensie's shunting loco. Next day the service was dieselised July 1990. (Ameling Algra, 23rd August 2009)

Germany - In snowy weather, 44 1093 hauls a freight train during a Plandampf event on the Arnstadt - Saalfeld line, January 29 1994. (Andeas Illert, 16th August 2009)

India - WG departs Bareilly, December 1992 (Ameling Algra, 9th August 2009)

China - for a change, no steam, just action at a small coal mine near Ma Miao in Sichuan. Wait for the unloading... (RD, 27th July 2009)
Cuba - Mill 210 Osvaldo Sanchez  #1347 departs from the mill in February 1997 (RM 21st July 2009))

Zimbabwe - 15th class #370 between Hwange and Lukosi with a Thompson Junction to Bulawayo Freight in May 1989 (RM 7th July 2009))

Click below for the archived clips, the latest addition is noted after each entry, if a page gets too big, I will subdivide again:

Rob and Yuehong Dickinson
