The International Steam Pages

Raj Steam - Indian Broad Gauge Steam

This index links to a series of pages covering existing broad gauge steam locomotives of Indian Railways from the 1970s up to the end of steam at the turn of the century. 

This version is a 'Development Version' which will be added to as sections are started, As such do not be surprised to encounter 'Bad Links'.

Based on Hugh Hughes's CRC book "Steam Locomotives in India, Part 1, Broad Gauge" it is reasonably surprisingly complete. Those with a copy of the book or knowledge of the subject will notice gaps and, of course, I would welcome offers to fill them. As the book records, by the early 1970s there had already been a cull of non-standard classes since the formation of a national system. Owing to early standardisation this section has been the most difficult (and unsatisfying) to compile with seemingly endless pictures of WGs and WPs. All zones of Indian Railways eventually had broad gauge railways, although as originally created the North Eastern and Northeast Frontier Railways were entirely metre gauge and acquired broad gauge steam after conversion.

Most travellers to India naturally gravitated to the narrow gauge with its vast array of different classes of locomotives. Often metre and broad gauge steam was covered only in passing and in researching available resources, I have been constantly reminded of that. I would welcome offers of contributions, obviously top of the list would be non-standard classes but for some of the railways coverage of even the standard classes is sparse except for the closing years of the late 1980a and early 1990s by which time steam was concentrated in a very few areas. If you can help fill these then please get in touch using the email address at the bottom of the page.

All photographers are acknowledged by their initials, their identity can readily be established from the list in 'The Last Word' link. Sadly more than one third are no longer with us, let these pages be a memorial to their efforts for the benefit of future generations of enthusiasts.

Southern Railway

South Central Railway

Central Railway

Western Railway

Northern Railway

Eastern Railway

South Eastern Railway

North Eastern Railway 
Northeast Frontier Railway

Locomotive Galleries

The Last Word

Click here for the Metre Gauge Steam Index 
Click here for the Other Metre Gauge Steam Index
Click here for the India Narrow Gauge Steam Index 
Click here for the Other Narrow Gauge Steam Index 
Click here for the India Broad Gauge Galleries 

Click here for the full Raj Steam Index

Rob Dickinson
