The International Steam Pages

Steam Equipment in Javan Sugar Mills

I am indebted to Ray Gardiner who made the original notes in 1999 based on his six week visit. Rob van Dort and Manfred Schoeler added further short notes but significantly more data were added from my 2002/3 trips. The last major changes date from 26th September 2003 and now include many mills not previously covered plus details of much of the smaller equipment. There have been minor changes following my April, July and August 2004 visits, the latter noting extra engines at Candi, Jatibarang, Sumberharjo and Wonolangan and some scrapping at Sindanglaut. Further minor changes were made in late July 2005. I have noted some Tangye numbers from the ISSES trip in 2006, there was allegedly more data but it never came my way. I was not in Java in 2007, but a few changes I noted on my 2008 visits were then included. The latest changes (8th August 2010) reflect casualties and just a few movements from the 2010 trip (updated 7th August 2010). Please understand that I did not make comprehensive notes for this trip and much has been done from memory. The small pump record in particular will no longer be very accurate.

As part of my steamy Java Tour blog, I included pictures of every mill visited. You may want use the mill names below (final update 2nd August 2010) - note there are extra (older, from 2002) pages for Gondang and Olean


Use these links to view pictures of the equipment:

A guide to Java's sugar mills and their stationary steam engines
A guide to the milling engines in Java's sugar mills 
A guide to the vacuum pump engines in Java's sugar mills 
A guide to the belt engines in Java's sugar mills 
A guide to the pumps in Java's sugar mills 

Originally there were 190 sugar mills on Java, by 1931 there were 177 operating, but by 1939 only 84 mills were operating with 68 temporarily closed. In 1999 there were about 50 still in use.

When I first added this page, the sugar industry faced many problems, with the state of the economy large stockpiles of unsold sugar were left over from 1998, meaning that many mills had a very short season in 1999, leaving cane uncut in the fields. Over the last few years, there has been competition from cheap imported sugar and the government owned mills are subsidised, while the few private mills were in serious trouble. There are plans to relocate the sugar mills from the crowded island of Java to other islands, building new more efficient mills, but there is no capital available and with low world sugar prices it is a non-starter. With falling production, many mills experienced a shortage of bagasse to fire the mill boilers and steam locos in 1999, oil and even wood has had to be used instead/as well. Since then, the 2000/1/2/3 seasons seemed to have been surprisingly good, helped initially by the further devaluation in the exchange rate of the Rupiah but the long term prospects remain poor.

(I have arranged the mills in the same way as I have done for the steam locomotive reports. The comments in italics are my additions. The map shows only those with steam locomotives, in the list below I have described the locations of the other mills on the island.) There are links to sets of images for some of the mills included. Obviously, further additions and corrections would be very welcome. 

Rob van Dort comments: "There are two kinds of cane crushers. The usual three roller mills, called "mills" or the two roller crusher, called "crusher". In Java sometimes a crusher was installed preceding the first mill. The crusher could be driven by a separate engine or driven in combination with the first mill by the same engine. Some factories only had four mills, some older ones only three. The most ideal situation for the mill engineer is a separate engine for each mill, so the speed of each unit can be adjusted without the preceding mill choking the next one. But, some mills like Sumberharjo and Purwodadi, two mill units are driven by one engine (dual drive or tandem engines), this means very careful calculation and adjustment (opening between the rollers) of the output of the preceding mill. Below is a plan of the Sumberharjo mill (as erected) showing a crusher + engine and an engine driving the 1+2 mill and another driving the 3+4 mill. The crusher (engine) at Sumberharjo has been replaced by cane knives (shredders/unigrators) as became more and more the practice in later years. Purwodadi had an impressive mill tandem consisting of a crusher  (now out of use RD) + engine, 1 mill+ engine (Werkspoor), 2+3 mill plus engine and 4+5 mill plus engine.

Mill Plan 2

Mill Plan 1

javamap.gif (4459 bytes)

The manufacturers:

I would very much appreciate some help here with their full names, locations etc... Agents such as Rombouts are noted in the main list, but a lot of equipment bears unnoted agents plates. Chris Hodrien has provide some brief notes on some UK manufacturers, I would like to expand on this...

  • W.H. Aitken & Co, Engineers, Caledonia Works, Paisley, Glasgow, UK
  • American Oil Company, Oil City, Pa., USA
  • Belliss & Morcom Ltd, Birmingham, UK
  • Machinefabriek V/H Backer & Rueb, Breda, Netherlands
  • C.W.Jul. Blanke & Cie, Bruxelles
  • Maschinen Fabriek Buckau, Teilung, Rohrig & Konig, Magdeburg-S, Germany
  • Anciens Etablissement Cail, Constructeurs, Paris, France
  • John Cameron, Manchester, UK
  • Cameron, USA (now Cooper-Cameron, USA)
  • Canton-Hughes, Wooster, Ohio, USA
  • Les Ateliers Dubrabant, Societe Anonyme, Ancienne Firme, W. Vangoethem, J. Realher & Cie, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Clarke, Chapman, Gateshead, UK
  • Dingler & Sohn Maschinefabrik A-G, Zweibruecken, (Germany?)
  • Jos Evans and sons, Wolverhampton, UK (appears on some pipework...)
  • Etablisement Fijenoord, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Compagnie De Fives-Lille, France
  • George Fletcher, Masson Works, Derby, UK
  • Fulton Iron Works, USA
  • Gardner, Denver, USA, many governors, also at least one pump 
  • Ste. Ame. J. Gilain, Tirlemont - Belgique 
  • Hallesche Maschinenfabrik & Eisengisserei, Halle, Germany
  • Haniel & Lueg, Dusseldorf, Germany
  • Ingelse & Co, Machinefabriek, Schiedam, Netherlands
  • Naamlooze-Vennootschap Machinery-Handel, Vorheen J.A. Geulen En Co., S.-Gravenhage & Soerabaia
  • Machinefabriek "Jaffa", Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg A.G., Germany
  • Manlove, Alliott and Fryer, Engineers, Nottingham and London, UK (and Rouen, France)
  • W. Maxwell, Engineer, Djogja (some mill machines but also one engine at Colomadu)
  • John McNeil & Co. Ltd, Glasgow, UK
  • Mirrlees Watson Co Ltd, Glasgow, UK
  • NV Nederlandsch Indische Industrie, Soerabaja, Java
  • Thomas Piggott, Atlas Works, Birmingham, UK
  • Pickering, USA (found on many 'governors' but noted below)
  • Reader, UK
  • Machinefabriek Reineveld, Delft, Netherlands
  • Robey, Lincoln, UK
  • Roland ? seen on two pumps at Krembung
  • Rombouts - not a manufacturer as such, an agent for such manufacturers as Fijenoord
  • Ruston Proctor, Lincoln, UK
  • Maschinenfabrik Sangerhausen, Sangerhausen, Germany
  • Schafer & Urbach, Ratingen, Germany
  • Alexander Shanks & Son Ltd, Dens Iron Works, Arbroath, Scotland
  • W. Sisson and Co. Ltd, Gloucester, UK
  • Gebr. Stork & Co, Machinefabriek, Hengelo, Netherlands
  • Tangye, Birmingham, UK
  • Walkers, London, UK
  • Wegelin and Hübner, Halle, Germany
  • Weir, Glasgow, UK
  • Werkspoor, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Henry Worthington, Pump & Machinery Corporation, Harrison, New Jersey, USA
  • Worthington-Simpson, Newark-on-Trent, UK

Note the following terms (Nira = juice)

Ampasse - bagasse, the cane after it has been milled. When dry used as boiler/steam locomotive fuel
Blotong - mud from filtration after clarification
Klare - the liquid from the washings in the second purging of the solid sugars which is usually passed back to the same vacuum pan. 
Kultrog - the set of crystalisers in which the sugar is churned, often using a lineshaft driven by a steam engine 
Massecuite - mixture of sugar and molasses before separation by centrifugals
Nira mentah - raw juice after milling
Nira encer – juice after clarification
Nira jernih - filtrate from nira kotor
Nira kotor - literally dirty juice, after carbonatation/sulphitation, then clarification, before filtration
Nira kental - juice after initial evaporation 
Leburan - remelt sugar, the low grade sugar which is to be recycled to extract higher grade sugar
Stroop – the liquid from the first purging of the production sugars which is usually passed to the next lower quality vacuum pan. 
Tetes - molasses - sticky liquid residue after removal of sugar crystals by centrifugation

All machines should be assumed to be single cylindered and horizontal engines/pumps unless stated otherwise. Most have flywheels of some kind but these are not noted, the main exceptions being the simplex/duplex pumps.

NB for the milling/crusher engines, I have noted whether they are right handed (RH) or left handed (LH) where known. RH indicates that standing next to the flywheel, the steam cylinder/valves etc will be on your right. By convention the drive to the mill/crusher is placed on the same side as the valves, which mean that engines in the same sugar mill will sometimes face in opposite directions, either by design or because they have come second hand from another mill. (I have modified this definition on 21st January 2007 as, not the first time, I misunderstood what I was advised by the experts! Sorry.) By convention I believe engines run forward when the top of the flywheel moves away from the engine. This will be the setting for a non-reversing engine (only mill and crusher engines are reversible). For a belt engine where the belt runs away from the engine, this means that the slack will be at the top and maintain contact with the flywheel longer. Ideally, most mill engines will run forward too normally and the gearing between them and the mills will normally achieve this by using the appropriate number of gear wheels. Of course, with engines being moved between mills sometimes this is not possible and some engines are run in reverse, these are indicated (R) in the list.

1. Kadhipaten (Mill closed at end of 1999 season, dismantled and all remaining equipment scrapped in 2003 - although some has been reused elsewhere.)

Single cylinder engine, Stork, 2784/1924.
Single cylinder engine, Stork
Sngle cylinder engine, Stork
Single cylinder pump, raw-juice pump, most likely a so called Java Pomp, by Reineveld.

2. Jatiwangi (Mill closed at end of 1998 season, dismantled and all remaining equipment scrapped in 2003 - although some has been reused elsewhere.)

3. Gempol (Mill closed at end of 1994 season, dismantled and all remaining equipment scrapped in 2003 - although some has been reused elsewhere.)

4. Sindanglaut

Juice pump preserved near main entrance, unknown 

Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2735/1923
Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2736/1923

Single cylinder RH vacuum pump, Stork, 3285/1929
Single cylinder RH vacuum pump (????)
Single cylinder LH vacuum pump (????) - scrapped by 2004
Vertical twin cylinder pump, Stork, 2760/1923 - not seen in 2010
Vertical twin cylinder pump, Stork - not seen in 2010
Vertical twin cylinder pump, Stork - not seen in 2010
Small vertical cylinder engine, Robey, previously used on the bagasse conveyor - scrapped by 2004
Belt engine, disused, previously powered the kultrog - scrapped by 2004
Small belt driven compressor (electrical), probably originally steam powered
Boiler feedwater pumps (2), Cameron
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pumps - not seen in 2010
Java Pump, Reineveld 903/1914 used for boiler feedwater
A set of 5 small pumps previously used for a hydraulic system to vary the pressure applied by crusher and millers.
Small duplex pump, Worthington-Simpson - not seen in 2010

5. Tersana Baru

The mill has two sets of milling engines known as 'East' and 'West'

West - a pair of dual drive engines each driving two mills, one formerly also drove the crusher.

Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1920 - out of use and disappeared by 2008
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1920 - out of use and disappeared by 2008

East - single, dual and single driving the four mills
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2789/1923
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1920
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor, 1920

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Fijenoord, 1928 - not seen in 2010
Single cylinder LH vacuum pump for pans, Stork ex Jatiwangi in 2001
Single cylinder RH vacuum pump for evaporators, Stork, 3001(?)/1928
Single cylinder LH vacuum pump for pans, Stork 
Water injection pump for vacuum pans, Stork, 2833/1924 - unusually this is a large horizontal LH engine - not seen in 2010
Vertical water injection pump for vacuum pans, (????) - not seen in 2010
Twin cylinder boiler feedwater pumps (2), E Rombouts (Agent), builder not known (out of use by 2008) - not seen in 2010
Duplex boiler feedwater pump (out of use) - not seen in 2010
Simplex boiler feedwater pump, Cameron (out of use) - not seen in 2010
Vertical cylinder belt engine, disused, previously used to drive an air compressor (now electrically powered) - not seen in 2010
Pumps for juice sulphitation, Cameron (6) - out of use and disappeared by 2008
Vertical cylinder nira kotor pump, formerly steam powered - not seen in 2010
Vertical cylinder nira kotor pump, formerly steam powered - not seen in 2010

The first (East) Werkspoor mill engine has a brass plate worded - Nederlandische Octrooi 14187, Systeem Meier Mattern. 100, Werkspoor. Below it is an aluminium plate worded - Werkspoor - Amsterdam -1920. (Meier Mattern is a hydraulic valve system, 14187 is most likely a patent number, however unlike the engines at Tulangan these have been rebuilt with standard drop valves. RD)
Rombouts was an agent for Fijenoord. 

6. Ketanggungan Barat (The mill has  no equipment being closed for many years, its cane is sent to Tersana Baru)

7. Banjaratma (Mill closed at the end of the 1997 season, all equipment derelict by 2002, mill reported gutted by 2006)

Single cylinder mill engine, Aitken, 3408
Single cylinder mill engine, Aitken, 3411
Single cylinder mill engine, Aitken, 3412
Single cylinder mill engine, possibly Stork
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork, 1903/1912
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork

8. Jatibarang 

A small belt engine is preserved here next to the mill offices.

Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2157/1916
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2158/1916

Double cylinder (single flywheel) vacuum pump for pans, Fijenoord, Rombouts as agents
Single cylinder vacuum pump for evaporators, Stork, 2767/1924
Single cylinder vacuum pump for pans, Stork,
Single cylinder belt engine for kultrog, Stork, 1470/1906
Air compressor for burning sulphur, Stork, 3261/1928 almost certainly previously a CO2 pump
Air compressor for burning sulphur, Stork, 2841/19??, (disused)
Java pumps for nira kental (3), one out of use
Vertical cylinder pump near centrifugals, John Cameron, Manchester
Steam powered electrical generator, Belliss and Morcom (out of use)
Simplex pump for vacuum condensate, Cameron
Duplex boiler feedwater pump, Canton-Hughes (not seen in 2010)
Vertical  pump, N. V. Gevek & Co., Techn. Bureau, Amsterdam – Soerabaya (agents), used for ash removal hydraulic ram
Duplex boiler feedwater pump, Worthington, used for ash removal hydraulic ram
Duplex pump, Worthington, builders number 111448 - not seen in 2010
Duplex pump, Worthington, builders number 770496, derelict - not seen in 2010
Vertical boiler feed water pumps (2), apparently identical and one of them Clarke, Chapman and Company
Belt engine for bagasse system
Vertical bagasse bailer engine, Landre & Clinderman, Amsterdam, Agents for Netherlands
Vertical engine used to force draught for chimney, probably English, Ingenieurs – Bureau, J & C Vrins, Den Haag & Soerabaya (agents?)

9. Pangka 

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2559/1920
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2370/1917
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2369/1917

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork, 3132/1927 
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork
Small single cylinder air compressor, Stork 5481/1951 (disused)
Single cylinder air compressor, Stork - out of use by 2010
Electrically driven air compressor, formerly steam powered
Single cylinder engine, belt drive for massecuite pumps etc
Single cylinder engine, belt drive for A/B centrifugals, Stork, 1770/1910
Vertical single cylinder water injection pump, Belliss & Morcom, 8093, removed to store by locomotive shed by 2010
Vertical single cylinder water injection pump, Stork, 2427/19??
Vertical single cylinder water injection pump, carries Ingenieurs – Bureau, J & C Vrins, Den Haag & Soerabaya (agents?), removed to store by locomotive shed by 2010
Small engine powering the kultrog, 'The Caledonian' on the base - said by Chris Hodrien to be by Shanks - out of use by 2010
Vertical cylinder engine, Stork, 848x/1951, for improving factory chimney drafting (taken out of use during 2003 season)
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pumps (2), Clarke, Chapman and Company,  14761 and 14762/1950
Vertical pump for nira kotor (disused)
Nira kental pumps (3), one is Cameron, others unknown

Originally there have been 10 boilers. 9 is removed now.
1. Stork 1940
2. Stork 1923
3. Stork 1921
4. Stork 1922
5. Werkspoor 1925
6. Stork 1925
7. Stork 1921
8. Stork 1917
9. missing
10. Voorheen 1917


Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 1912/1912, both carry the same plates, it seems they were a single order.
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 1912/1912
Large combined vertical vacuum pump, water injection pump and condenser, Werkspoor patent number 174852 out of use by 2009
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 1924
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork, 3284/1929
Single cylinder vacuum pump, new in 2010, said to be from Banjaratma (or maybe Kalibagor)
Simplex nira kental pumps (2), Cameron 
Simplex pump for condensate from pans
Vertical cylinder pump for condensate from evaporators, out of use by 2010
Simplex boiler feed water pumps (2)
Vertical boiler feed water pumps (2), apparently identical and one of them Clarke, Chapman

11.Sragi (This mill has modern equipment, although the original mills are still in use)

Air compressor (derelict)
Vertical cylinder air compressor, George Fletcher - out of use by 2003.

12. Cepiring (Mill closed at the end of the 1997 season. It used stationary steam engines. Re-opened in 2008, but with a lot of new equipment. Only the Stork milling engine 2179/1917 is now used, the two Fijenoord vacuum pumps are still present inside. The rest had been removed and mostly dumped in pieces. Four (out of seven (?) of the original boilers are now used again.)

Ray Gardiner added the original data. We visited together in 2003 and revised the entry::

Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2179/1917
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2180/1917 (to Krembung, never installed and in use at Watutulis in 2008, since removed)

Single cylinder belt engine for kultrog, Dingler No. 8(?)177 
Java pump converted to a belt engine to assist above
Large single cylinder CO2 compressor
Large single cylinder CO2 compressor, Rombouts 1918
Small single cylinder CO2 compressor
Twin cylinder pump with single flywheel
Single cylinder pump with twin flywheels, possibly air compressor for sulphitation of thick nira kental
Two small single cylinder juice pumps (2) under juice clarifiers
Single cylinder juice pump under evaporators
Vertical cylinder pump under evaporators
Single cylinder boiler feed water pump, Fijenoord 
Single cylinder boiler feed water pump, Java pump, Reineveld 979/1916 
Single cylinder vacuum pumps (2)

A Java pump is preserved outside the mill, but was not seen in 2010. Instead one of the large horizontal Java pumps was preserved.

13. Rendeng (The mill now has very few stationary steam engines)

Small flocculant pumps (2, with one of them out of use), said to have been supplied through Rombouts Deksels
Duplex nira kental pump
Air compressor, Stork, previously a vacuum pump
Belt engine for kultrog, Stork, 1705/1908

14. Kalibagor (Mill closed at the end of the 1997 season. Almost certainly used stationary steam engines, not least because I have the plate reportedly off a Stork milling engine here.)

15. Gondang Baru Along with Olean, it has the highest proportion of machinery operated by steam. Click here for pictures.

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, ????/????, used for the crusher
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Fulton Iron Works, 1920, Corliss valves, formerly crusher, removed to adjacent Central Java Sugar  Musuem by 2010
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 1940/1912
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 1129/1899
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 878/1893
Twin cylinder mill engine, this carries Moulin á Cannes - Pressions Multiples, Systeme, B. Lahaye & Brissonneau F(reres?) & Cie (= Freres – brothers?), Brevete Sgdg(?), Cail 7 and 9, 1884 (two pates)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, ????/????, said to be ex-Rendeng
Small twin cylinder small engine for cane carrier, out of use), removed to adjacent Central Java Sugar  Musuem by 2010
Pump (2) to operate hydraulic pressure equalising system for mills

Single cylinder vacuum pump (reserve) - not seen in 2010
Small juice pump, weighers to carbonatation
Vertical cylinder juice pump for first carbonatation
Vertical cylinder juice pump for second carbonatation, Belliss and Morcom, 7934
Single cylinder CO2 compressor for first carbonatation, Stork, 1631/1908
Single cylinder vacuum pump for evaporators, possibly Stork, 2747/1923
Single cylinder vacuum pump for pans
Single cylinder CO2 compressor for second carbonatation, Stork, 1966/1913
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Stork
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Ingenieurs – Bureau, J & C Vrins, Den Haag - 1925 - Soerabaya (agents?), spare, ex-Banjaratma
Vertical cylinder belted water injection pump, Sissons, Ref 2603
Small pump used for condensate
Small pump used for condensate, Worthington
Condensate pumps, (3) Worthington
Condensate pump, Cameron
Simplex nira kental pumps (2), Cameron, ex-Colomadu
Boiler feedwater pumps, Cameron (2)
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pump, Clarke, Chapman 
Vertical cylinder engine for forced (chimney ventilation), Sissons in use, out of use by 2010
Single cylinder belt engine for A centrifugals
Single cylinder belt engine, Stork, 1137/1899 for D centrifugals
Electrical generator, Stork, 2726/1923
Electrical generator, Belliss and Morcom

16. Ceper Baru (Mill closed at the end of the 1997 season.)

I visited with Ray Gardiner in 2003 and found the mill derelict but\reasonably intact. Not listed are some part engines/dismantled engines

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 1927/1912
Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor 1924
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork carries 2727/1923 but this seems unlikely as it does not have drop valves and all other Stork mill engines of this age do. All the actual mills say Stork 1912 which looks likely.
Set of pumps for the mill hydraulic pressure system, Stork on adjacent tanks

Single cylinder compressor for CO2, 2 flywheels, Stork symbol on an axle box
Single cylinder compressor for CO2, 1 flywheel, Rombouts on the cylinder cover
Single cylinder compressor for CO2, 1 flywheel, cylinder/pump appear as integral casting/together, Jos Evans and sons, Wolverhampton on pipework
Duplex juice (?) pump, Schafer & Urbach
Twin cylinder, single flywheel compressor, No. 196
A group of 3 Belliss and Morcom (type) pumps, 1 and 2 appear to be of the water injection type, although some way from the vacuum pump. 3 looks more like a juice pump
Simplex juice pump, Cameron
Reineveld/Stork water/juice pump, Rombouts 1916
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Fives-Lille, 1900
Java pump, Reineveld/Stork, 2467/1927
Duplex boiler feed water pump, Schafer & Urbach
Breda vertical twin cylinder boiler feed water pump
Small belt engine for driving lime plant
Small belt engine No 187 for driving lime slurry plant, Rombouts 1913

17. Colomadu (Mill closed at the end of the 1997 season, all equipment derelict by 2002)

I paid visits to the mill in September 2002/3, much of the machinery had been removed for re-use elsewhere (particularly the vacuum pumps to Mojo), it must have been a wonderful operation. More machines/details are available after the second visit made with the assistance of a member of the engineering staff.

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2373/1917 
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2486/1919 
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, ????/???? 
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2124/1914 

Bagasse engine, Ruston Proctor
Vertical cylinder engine for cane carrier
Engine for cane carrier
Belt engine for lime slurry system, Tangye
Compressor for burning sulphur
Java pump for juice sulphitation, Reineveld 896/1913
Small duplex (water) pump
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pumps (3)
Java pump for juice, Reineveld, 717/1911
Juice pump
Vertical cylinder water injection pumps (3)
Vertical cylinder engine for electrical generator, Stork type
Engine for electrical generator, MAN, M.No. 5004, Atm 6.5 Umd. 170, Nürnberg 1925 
Small engine for electrical generator
Vertical cylinder engine, Tangye, for belt driven machinery in the mill workshop  
Belt engine for kultrog, Tangye, similar to those at Rejosari. 
Small engine (W. Maxwell, Engineer, Djogja) to drive the massecuite pump(s), looks to be one of the oldest seen....
Belt engine for centrifugals, Stork, 1876/1911

Vertical cylinder juice pump is preserved outside the offices.

18. Tasik Madu

This mill was converted from carbonatation to sulphitation in 2007with consequent re-arrangement of pumps etc,

Main milling line: 4 steam turbines Woodward Sydney / Japan with 550 kW are powering the equipment from Stork 1928.
One single LH cylinder mill engine, Stork, 3203/1928 was preserved, but was gone by 2003 when it was found at Kanigoro! 

Vacuum pump, Stork, 3198/1928 with drop valves
Vacuum pump
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Stork, 2424/1921, disused
Compressor for CO2, Stork, 3200/1928
Compressor for CO2, Stork
Compressor for CO2, to park next to mill by 2008
Single cylinder water injection pump with two flywheels for evaporator - not seen in 2010
Vertical cylinder compressor for air used in syrup sulfitation - not seen in 2010
Compressor for air used in syrup sulfitation, two flywheels - out of use by 2010
Compressor for air used in syrup sulfitation - out of use by 2010
Two cylinders hot water pump for mud presses, single flywheel wheel
Large vertical cylinder Java pump, Reineveld 2288/1925
Vertical cylinder juice pump
Of the vertical pumps below, just two mud pumps remained by 2010
Vertical cylinder juice pumps (2), one out of use
Vertical cylinder juice pump, Reineveld 2380/1926
Vertical cylinder juice pump
Vertical cylinder juice pump, Reineveld 2286/1925
Vertical cylinder juice pump
Small (air?) compressor, formerly steam powered
Small engine – Les Ateliers Dubrabant, probably for the bagasse train, out of use
Electrical generator, Stork, 3127/1928, out of use
Electrical generator, Stork, 3201/1928, out of use

19. Soedhono 

A vertical pump is preserved here.

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor 1950
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor 1950
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor 1950
Vertical belt engine, Hallesche, used for assisting ventilation in mill chimney, out of use by 2004
Steam engine (marked Jaffa) driving Siemens electrical generator 
Compressor converted to electrical power with Rombouts 1924 plate
Simplex pump for nira kental
Pump for nira kotor, formerly steam powered
Compressor for sulphur burning (derelict)

20. Purwodadi  

Single cylinder RH mill engine, formerly for the crusher, out of use
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor, 1926
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1926 
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1926 
Single cylinder vacuum pump (spare)
Single cylinder vacuum pump 
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 1924 
Compressor for sulphitation (large)
Compressor for sulphitation (small)
Pump for nira kotor
Twin cylinder/two flywheel pump for nira kotor
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Belliss and Morcom,
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Sisson
Simplex pump for nira kental (2), Cameron
Single cylinder water pump for operating centrifugals, Sangerhausen

21. Rejosari  

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Hallesche (not certain) 
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Hallesche 
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Hallesche, 2020/1924
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Hallesche, 2048/1925
Small pumps for mill hydraulic pressure system, Maxwell on base

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Hallesche 
Single cylinder vacuum pump
Vertical cylinder water injection pumps (2), Hallesche, one out of use
Single cylinder belt engines for kultrog (2), Tangye, 10842, 10757
Single cylinder belt engine for A centrifugals, Stork, 1766/1910 - the centrifugals are very old too, Watson, Laidlaw, Glasgow
Single cylinder belt engine for bagasse train, Naamlooze-Vennootschap Machinery-Handel , Vorheen J.A. Geulen En Co., S.-Gravenhage & Soerabaia, out of use
Single cylinder belt engine for lime slurry system
Air compressor for sulphitation
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pump
Simplex boiler feedwater pump, Cameron
Simplex pump for nira kental, Cameron
Vertical cylinder pump for nira kotor, Rombouts plate
Pump for nira kental
Pump for massecuite

22. Kanigoro

Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Mirrlees Watson, out of use by 2004, replaced by
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork 3203/1928, ex-Tasikmadu
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Stork ????/????, but identical to the above and likely to be 320?/1928 ex-Tasikmadu 

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Manlove, Alliott and Fryer, 1883
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Manlove, Alliott and Fryer
(Identical (?) to those at Cukir)
Vertical cylinder air compressor for sulphur burning, George Fletcher
Air compressor for sulphur burning, out of use by 2010
Mud filter pumps (2)
Simplex pump for nira kental
Duplex boiler feedwater pump, compound
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pump, Reineveld 
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pump, Clarke Chapman
Engine for electricity generation, Stork, disused

23. Pagottan

The original mill is out of use, the equipment derelict/dismantled. A new mill has been installed, using equipment brought from a mill in Aceh, Sumatra

John McNeil & Co. Ltd, Glasgow is clearly visible on one of the derelict dual drive mill engines, it seems there may have been two mill lines here.

Vacuum pump (small), Sangerhausen, 1545, kept as spare by 2010
Pump for nira kental, Sangerhausern, kept as spare by 2010
Simplex pump for nira kental, Cameron
Simplex juice pumps (2)
Water injection pump for vacuum system for evaporators, single cylinder, 2 flywheels, derelict by 2010
Vertical cylinder water injection pump for vacuum system for evaporators, not seen in 2010
Vertical two cylinder engine for generator, Belliss and Morocom, 7755
Single cylinder, two flywheel vacuum pumps (2), Manlove, Alliott and Fryer, similar to those at Cukir and Kanigoro, but no dates on the bases. Only standby by 2006.
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Fijenoord, 1928. Only standby by 2006, derelict by 2010
Bagasse bailing engine, Tangye 9631, disused, derelict by 2010

24. Lestari

The mill is almost entirely modernised but contains the following:

Two cylinder, single flywheel vacuum pump, Fijenoord, 1928. kept in reserve
Electrically operated vacuum pump, converted from steam operation

25. Merican  

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 3251/1929
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Buckau, 1909 - ex Krian
Single cylinder vacuum pump - ex Krian
Single cylinder vacuum pump
Vertical cylinder water injection pumps (2), Stork type
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, not in use - ex Krian, out of use by 2010
Air compressor, Hallesche (2)
Simplex boiler feedwater pumps, Cameron (3)
Simplex pump, disused, formerly used for machine cooling water

26. Pesantren Baru (This is a new mill built in the 1970s to replace an old one nearby.)

27. Ngadirejo (The mill was modernised some time ago, the staff telling me in 2003 that there was no steam powered equipment.)

28. Mojopanggung  

Mainly electrically powered but containing the following:

Simplex boiler feedwater pumps (2), Cameron
Duplex boiler feed water pumps, Tangye, out of use
Single cylinder vacuum pumps (2)

29. Jombang Baru  

Rob van Dort comments: "I was at Jombang in 1955, assisting starting up, after the mill has been closed for many years. Passing the mill in 1989 I noticed a new boiler house. The mill was 100% steam driven in 1955, so it may be possible that inside some "damage" has occurred. Inside the mill was an unique "vacuum-machine" designed by Werkspoor . A combination of condenser, air pump, cold water pump and hot water pump in one (vertical) engine. I hope it is still there and you'll be amazed seeing this engine work, with a barking exhaust inside the building. (To which I can add that this machine is no longer present but there is one at Sumberharjo. RD)

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 3181/1928 
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 3321/1930
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, ????/????
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 3255/1929
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2787/1924 (R)
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 1926, dumped outside mill by 2010
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork
Duplex boiler feedwater pump, Gardner
Duplex boiler feedwater pump, Worthington, not seen in 2010
Vertical two cylinder boiler feedwater pump, out of use, not seen in 2010
Steam powered electrical generator, Belliss and Morcom, 11141,  (out of use)

30. Cukir 

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Manlove, Alliott and Fryer, (1883 on base)
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Manlove, Alliott and Fryer, (1883 on base)
Single cylinder vacuum pump 
Small engine for kultrog (out of use), probably Tangye as has Gold Medal Paris 1878 plate. Scrapped by 2006.

31. Gempolkerep (The mill was modernised some time ago.)

32. Tulangan  

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Werkspoor 1927 ( Meier Mattern hydraulic valve system)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2577/1920
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Werkspoor 1927 ( Meier Mattern hydraulic valve system)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 3155/1928
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 3363/1930

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 1917
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 435/1900
Single cylinder vacuum pump
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Stork
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Belliss and Morcom (2), one is out of use
Hallesche air compressor for syrup sulphitation, out of use
Duplex pump for nira kental, Tangye
Simplex pump for nira kental, Cameron
Simplex pump for nira kotor (2), Cameron
Air compressor for burning sulphur, Hallesche
Air compressor for burning sulphur, Hallesche 2422/1923
Air compressor for burning sulphur, out of use
Two Belliss and Morcom generators (scrapped between 2002 and 2003).

33. Kedawung

Probably technically one of the most modern mills in Java with a cane diffuser and nothing except a preserved juice pump outside.

34. Wonolongan

Single cylinder RH mill engine 1, Stork, (R) 2560/1920
Single cylinder LH mill engine 2, Piggott
Single cylinder RH mill engine 3, Piggott (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine 4, Stork, 2282/1917 (R)
The Stork engines have Werkspoor type governors and 2560 also has Werkspoor type drop valve eccentrics
Small pump for mill hydraulic system

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Breda 910/1917
Vertical single cylinder water injection pump, probably Stork, but certainly older than average
Single cylinder engine for bagasse baler, Walkers 12168, not in regular use, out of use by 2010
Vertical high speed engine, Belliss and Morcom, for grasshopper system and Jacob's ladder - spare to electric motor, not seen in 2010
Belt engine, for kultrog, Blanke - out of use but serviceable in 2004, in use 2008, not in use 2010
Simplex pumps (2), for boiler feedwater, Cameron
Small engine marked used Walkers for driving the bagasse carrier, probably English, out of use
Horizontal engine Tangye 4173 derelict behind the mill
Horizontal engine derelict behind mill marked as '626' and '9' on front of cylinder Tangye style, probably not a Tangye engine, marked Landre & Glinderman, Amsterdam, Agents for Netherlands.
Seven boilers, including one built by Stork, most of the rest by Werkspoor

35. Gending

Small engine preserved outside office.
Single cylinder engine, W Maxwell, Djokdja, 1892. Maxwell is possibly an agent, not the builder, Djokja is now Yogyakarta. Rob van Dort adds "I am almost certain that Maxwell was a construction firm at Djokja once. I have seen several engines with this name cast in. They were famous for their shredders. The first ones installed in Java."

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2569/1920 (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2613/1920
Single cylinder LH mill engine, probably Hallesche
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Hallesche, 2148/1927

Small single cylinder pump for nira kotor, Hallesche, 2252/19??, out of use by 2008
Single cylinder vacuum pump
Vertical cylinder water injection pump for vacuum system, Reader, not seen in 2010
Simplex pump for nira kental, Cameron
Small single cylinder pump for nira kental
Small vertical cylinder engine driving belts , not seen in 2010
Small engine driving belts for kultrog - out of use
Various small molasses pumps, belt driven (Reineveld, Java Pomp)
Small engine driving belts for bagasse baling, out of use and dumped by 2008
Vertical pump for molasses, not seen in 2010
Preserved vertical cylinder engine by George Fletcher, 6712 

36. Pajarakan

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2193/1916 (R)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork (R)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, probably Hallesche
Single cylinder RH mill engine, probably Hallesche (R)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 1878/1910 (1974/1913 in 2010!)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2397/1919

Single cylinder vacuum pump
Small belt engines (3) used to drive nira kental pumps, two disused, none seen in 2010
Air compressor for burning sulphur, Hallesche, disused
Water injection pumps for vacuum system (2), disused - unusually these are low speed horizontal pumps assuming the information from the mill engineer was correct
Small belt engine for D1/D2 centrifugals, spare but effectively disused
Small belt engine for A1/A2 centrifugals, spare but effectively disused
Vertical cylinder tetes pumps (3), two of them converted to belt drive, none seen steam powered in 2010
Belt engine for the kultrog (disused)
Duplex boiler feedwater pumps (2), Wegelin and Hübner
Small vertical cylinder belt engine for bagasse handling
Vertical single cylinder engine, out of use outside mill, unknown builder, 8062

37. Jatiroto

This large mill was modernised some time ago

38. Semboro

The mill was modernised some time ago, one half now using electric motors, the other half using steam turbines .The mill crushers were supplied by Gebr. Stork & Co, in 1922 and were probably powered by the almost standard single cylinder engines. Rob van Dort adds "newly built in 1927, with two identical sisters (Gunungsari and Bedadoeng). First campaigns 1928/29. Only Semboro survived. All three were all electric factories. Now that you report TWO mill trains it may well be, that one set was taken from Gunungsari and re-erected here, turbine powered." To which I would comment that this is one of the mills which was heavily modernised in the 1970s (RD).

39. De Maas (Mill closed at the end of the 1999 season, there would have been much more than this present) 

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 3337/1930
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor, 1924
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Fijenoord, 1925
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Fijenoord, 1925
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork
Single cylinder engine, belt drive to bagasse conveyor 
Single cylinder engine, belt drive to bagasse conveyor
Single cylinder engine, Tangye

40. Wringinanom

The main milling run has an electrical cutter and then the following:

Single cylinder RH crusher engine, Stork, 2740/1923
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Hallesche, 2049/1925 (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Werkspoor (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Fijenoord, 1926 (R)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 3278/1929

Cane carrier engine, Ruston, Proctor
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Halle
Two vertical cylinder vacuum pumps/water injection pumps, probably Werkspoor but not so marked
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Hallesche
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, (Stork?)
Single cylinder engine, Stork, 2561/1920, driving belts for the A centrifugals via a shaft. This was previously a/the crusher engine.

Simplex pumps (3), Cameron, for nira encer, one out of use
Duplex pump, (Worthington ?) for nira encer, one out of use
Simplex pump, Cameron, for nira kotor
Nira kental pumps (2)
A set of five pumps for condensate from vacuum evaporation:
Duplex pump, Worthington
Duplex pump
Simplex pumps (2), Cameron
Duplex pump, Worthington
Engine for bagasse press
Engine for bagasse carrier, Tangye 5208, well out of use
Engine for bagasse carrier, American Oil Company, Oil City, Pa., 1132
Vertical cylinder engine for initial bagasse carrier, disused 
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pumps (4), various not identified
Duplex boiler feedwater pump

41. Olean Along with Gondang, it has the highest proportion of machinery operated by steam. Click here for pictures. I have not included a number of belt driven pumps, centrifuges etc which are at best contemporary and may even pre-date the steam powered machinery.

Twin cylinder steam winch, Clarke, Chapman, Gateshead 
Single cylinder RH crusher engine, Stork, 3336/1930
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Fijenoord, 192?
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Fijenoord, 1926
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor, 1923 
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork

Small belt engine for cane carrier
Vertical single cylinder raw juice pumps (2)
Small engine, Fives-Lilles, 1891, for bagasse system
Small engine, Walkers, for bagasse system, disused - scrapped 2003-4
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Fives-Lille, 1891 
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Fives-Lille, 1892 
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Fives-Lille, 1891 (the latter transferred from Asembagus 2007/8)
Vertical cylinder engine for kultrog, said to be Marshall, 1893
Engine for kultrog, Tangye, said to be 1912, it has 2000 which seems too low for an engine with Tangye-Birmingham on it.
Engine for kultrog, Walkers, disused
Vertical twin cylinder belt engine, for centrifugals, Belliss and Morcom, 8073 (out of use by 2006)
Vertical cylinder belt engine, for sugar conveyor, Belliss and Morcom, 7673 
Boiler feedwater pump
Simplex boiler feedwater pump, Cameron
Duplex boiler feedwater pump
Small duplex boiler feedwater pump
Simplex juice pump, Cameron, disused
Vertical cylinder pumps (2), for lime slurry system
Simplex juice pump for nira jerne, Cameron, disused
Vertical twin cylinder pump for nira kotor
Small air compressors (3) for sulphur burning - out of use by 2003, one gone by 2010
Simplex pump, for vacuum condensate, Cameron
Vacuum condensate pump, disused
Nira kental pump, Reineveld
Nira kental pump
Water injection pumps (2), both disused, one has Rombouts on it, the other appears to be Stork - preserved outside the main gate and the mill offices by 2006.
Pumps for nira kental (2)
Simplex syrup pump, Cameron
Syrup pump
Duplex syrup pump
Simplex molasses pump, Cameron

There are 6 Boilers:
1. Burgerhout Rotterdam 1925
2. P.T. Trisala Abadi 1993
3. ditto. 1992
4. Maschinenfabrik Breda
5. E. Rombouts
6. ditto

42. Panji

Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1924
Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor, 1924
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 1921
Nira kotor simplex pump, Cameron
Vertical cylinder, nira jernih pumps, Fletcher, 7101 & 7102, out of use and stored by 2008
Vertical cylinder, nira kotor pump, Reineveld, out of use and stored by 2008
Vertical twin cylinder, nira leburan pumps, (2), Reineveld, out of use and stored by 2008
Vertical cylinder air compressor, Fletcher
Simplex nira kental pump, Cameron
Boiler feedwater pumps (2), disused, not seen 2008
Vacuum condensate pump, Fletcher
Vacuum condensate pumps, (2)

Preserved vertical cylinder belt engine, Belliss and Morcom

43. Prajekan (The mill is largely modernised.

The mill now uses two 850 hp and one 450hp steam turbines. 

Single cylinder vacuum pump
Nira kental pumps

44. Asembagus (The mill is largely modernised.

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 3328/1930
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 3329/1930
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Hallesche
Single cylinder pump
Preserved small single cylinder engine,  Tangye - Birmingham 2571
Preserved large Werkspoor vertical vacuum pump, patent number 174852

45. Trangkil (This private mill uses undocumented modern equipment.)

There are three preserved small pumps on site.

46. Pakis Baru (Mill did not operate in 2000 and is reported likely to re-open in 2008.)

This is a privately owned mill and was probably the best maintained mill on Java. It was modernised some time ago and now uses steam turbines. A single cylinder engine is preserved near the front gate, a Hallesche vacuum pump inside the mill. The mill has not worked for several years and there are ongoing negotiations to transfer it to South Sumatra. More recently (November 2006) it is reported it will not move but re-open in situ.

47. Rejoagung  (Private Mill)

Considering this is one of the biggest mills in Java and installed electrically powered milling machinery nearly 80 years ago, it retains a remarkable amount of steam powered machinery. There are 2 mill trains, the second (stand-by) has steam power, the Sangerhausen mill engines are from Madukismo. The original electric motors have vanished to be replaced by turbines.

The following mill engines were taken out of use in 2009.

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Sangerhausen, 1956 (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Sangerhausen, 1956 (R)- formerly at Candi
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Sangerhausen, 1956 (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Sangerhausen, 1956 (R)

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor, 1112/1912 - formerly used as 2nd mill engine, not seen recently

Vertical cylinder engines (2) (possibly for massecuite), not seen in 2010
Small engine for kultrog, Sangerhausen, 840 - derelict in 2006, not seen in 2010
Duplex boiler feedwater pumps (2), not seen in 2010
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pumps (2), Weir, not seen in 2008
Vacuum pump, Hallesche
Water injection pump for vacuum system, (2), Hallesche, not seen in 2010
A variety of four (mostly disused) air compressors for burning sulphur, one of which has a Werkspoor plate, all derelict by 2006, not seen in 2010

48. Kebonagung (Private Mill - uses undocumented modern equipment)

Staff stated that there is no steam powered machinery during a 2003 visit, a situation which we confirmed with a quick tour of the plant.

49. Krebet Baru (Private Mill)

There are two mills in the same compound, the first contains some stationary steam engines and the second is 100% modern.

The following were in use until the end of the 2003 season and then replaced by modern machinery.
Single cylinder mill engine, RH Haniel & Lueg, 1924
Single cylinder mill engine, RH Corliss valves (!), Ste. Ame. J. Gilain, Tirlemont - Belgique 
Single cylinder mill engine, RH Haniel & Lueg, 1926
Single cylinder mill engine, RH Haniel & Lueg, 1926

The two 1926 engines went first to Candi, one later went to Watutulis.

Air compressor (disused)
Vertical cylinder, combined vacuum/water injection pumps (2), disused
Simplex juice pump, pre-sulphitation
Duplex juice pump, pre-sulphitation
Duplex juice pumps, (2),  post-sulphitation

Vertical cylinder pump, preserved inside mill.

The following do not appear on the map, hence their locations are added:

50 Karangsuwung (a small mill 3km south of Sindanglaut)

The mill is steam worked, a small mill engine is preserved at the front gate.
Single cylinder mill engine, Co De Fives-Lille, 1876.

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2319 / 1917
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Hallesche, ???? /????
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2558 / 1920 (R)
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Stork, 2374 / 1917 (R)

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork, 2655/1921 
Single cylinder vacuum pump, new 2003 ex Kadhipaten, not seen 2008 
Single cylinder vacuum pump, working 2002, dismantled for scrap 2003
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Stork type, not seen in 2010
Vertical cylinder water injection pump, Stork type, ex- Gempol, disused, not seen in 2010
Small vacuum pump, next to the Fives-Lille belt engine, actually now non-steam and belt driven by 2010
Java pump for nira kotor (Reineveld 2193/1923)
Small engine for bagasse conveyor, Fives-Lille, 1904, disused
Duplex boiler feedwater pumps (2), one kept as spare
Nira encer pumps (3), used in turn, each is Reineveld, only two seen in 2010
Belt engine for kultrog, Fives-Lille, 1906
Belt engine for grasshopper system, Tangye 11382
Small engine for lime slurry system, only spare but serviceable in 2010
Air compressors, (3), Stork, (1769/1910(?), 2979/1926, 2094/1918)
Two small duplex pumps for flocculant, not seen in 2010
Derelict twin engine which may have operated a winch.

51. Mojodikota (A small mill at Sragen near Solo.)

Vacuum pump, Stork, 1905, spare
Vacuum pump
Vacuum pump, derlecict by 2010
Air compressor, carries No 132, this has a Tangye "+" on the valve chest and governor which makes it the biggest Tangye in Java by some way. 
Small juice pump, disused
Duplex boiler feedwater pump (2), out of use
Vertical cylinder pump, incomplete, disused

52. Madukismo (A private mill near Yogyakarta dating from the 1950s)

Rob van Dort adds: "first campaign 1958. Built by Sangerhausen, steam mill engines. Have seen them being run in."

The mill was modernised ca 1976 and all steam powered equipment removed. Some of the mill engines, however, survive at Rejoagung (another was at Candi until 2003).

53. Candi (A private mill south of Sidoharjo, south of Surabaya, which uses mainly stationary steam engines)  

These mill engines were taken out of action by 2006, by then the Sangerhausen had migrated to Rejoagung and the working Haniel and Lueg to Watutulis..... The others were dumped in the mill yard. Correspondence by email in mid-2010 suggested that no steam power remains in use here, but there have been no known recent visits.

Single cylinder RH mill engine, Hallesche, 2229/1920
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Hallesche (?)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 1947/1912, (R) new in 2003 ex-Kadhipaten
Single cylinder mill engine, RH Haniel & Lueg, 1926 (formerly at Krebet Baru)

This mill engine was used pre-2003 as fourth mill engine
Single cylinder RH mill engine, Sangerhausen, 1956, ex-Madukismo

This mill engine was used pre-2003 as third mill engine
Single cylinder mill engine, Nederlandsch Indische Industrie, ????/1920

Also here for potential use from 2005.
Single cylinder mill engine, RH Haniel & Lueg, 1926 (formerly at Krebet Baru)

Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork, 3094/1927 
High speed (450 rpm) injection water pump, Stork, 2858/1927, ex Porong
High speed (450 rpm) injection water pump, (Stork ?)
Duplex pump, used to cool machines
Simplex boiler feedwater pump, Cameron
Vertical cylinder boiler feedwater pump
Duplex pump for mill imbibition, Worthington
Vertical cylinder molasses pumps (2), one of which is in a locked compound!
Vertical single cylinder belt engine, used to drive lime slurry plant
Single cylinder steam engine driving kultrog, Tangye, 3143, almost certainly 19th century.
Single cylinder belt engine, driving centrifuges, Stork, 1378/1906
Small (disused) single cylinder steam engine, Tangye 2312 - this may be the Tangye engine described by Rob van Dort after his 1989 visit.
Vertical pump (Java Pomp, Reineveld, 1937/1921)
Duplex pumps (3), Worthington, for nira kental, one is incomplete

54. Krian (A small mill south-west of Surabaya, not documented but likely to have had stationary steam engines, closed ca. 1999, and now stripped with some machines reported elsewhere)

55. Watutulis (A small mill south-west of Surabaya, just south of Krian)

Observed in 2006

Single cylinder mill engine, RH Haniel & Lueg, 1926 (formerly at Krebet Baru), dumped out of use by 2010
Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2916/1925
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine Stork, 2179/1917, (R) formerly at Cepiring came here by 2006 via Krembung, dumped out of use by 2010

Observed in 2004

Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2568/1920 (R) (to Krembung by 2006)
Single cylinder RH dual drive mill engine, Stork, 2916/1925
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 3237/1929 (R) (out of use by 2006)

Air compressor, Stork
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Stork, 2686/1922
Vertical single cylinder water injection pump, Stork, 2340/1917, not seen 2010
Single cylinder vacuum pump, Werkspoor, 468/1900
Belt engine for kultrog, Ingelse, only kept as spare 2010
Belt engine for (low grade sugar) kultrog, Tangye
Belt engines (2) for centrifugals, Tangye, one of which is out of use, the other marked 'Colonial 18"x12" Engine', one is 10328, only kept as spare 2010
Belt engine for centrifugals, only kept as spare 2010
Molasses Java Pump, formerly steam
Pump for cooling water
Nira kental pump
Two small vertical pumps for the lime system, Reineveld

56. Krembung (A small mill south-west of Surabaya)

Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine, Werkspoor
Double cylinder mill engine, Werkspoor, 910/1908
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Stork, 2568/1920 (by 2006, ex-Watutulis)
Single cylinder LH mill engine, Werkspoor, 1922 (replaced by Stork 2568 since 2004)
Bellis and Morcom, vertical two cylinder engine formerly used for cane knives/crusher (?) (spare for unigrator power)
Single cylinder LH dual drive mill engine Stork, 2179/1917, formerly at Cepiring, never put into use but sent to Watutulis by 2006

Air compressor (2), Hallesche
Air compressor, out of use
Vertical 2 cylinder boiler feedwater pump
Vertical single cylinder boiler feedwater pump, Weir, Glasgow
Duplex pump, new for boiler feedwater in 2004, yet to be installed, allegedly ex-Lestari, Schafer and Urbach, working in 2010.
Duplex pump, water for evaporators (?)
Duplex pump, Stork, (ex-steam?), water for evaporators (?)
Two vertical cylinder water injection pumps, Hallesche, marked Roland (1 and 2), out of use by 2010
Water injection pump, disused
Water injection pump, Hallesche, disused
Simplex water injection pump
Single cylinder vacuum pump, single flywheel, single eccentric
Single cylinder vacuum pump, double flywheel, single eccentric
Single cylinder vacuum pump, single flywheel, double eccentric, spare
Two twin cylinder water pumps for centrifugals, Werkspoor 1094/1911

57. Subang (A large new mill north-west of Cirebon, not documented but very unlikely to have stationary steam engines)

58. Jatitujuh (A large new mill north-west of Cirebon, not documented but very unlikely to have stationary steam engines)

Chris Hodrien has sent notes on some of the UK manufacturers:

Belliss & Morcom were previously G.E. Belliss, also in Birmingham. Their main products (and also those of W. Sisson) were fast open-crank launch engines and then enclosed high-speed force-lubricated stationary engines of standardised design mainly for driving generators, of which they built the last (about No. 11,500!) as recently as 1976 for India. They are still in business making motor-driven reciprocating air and gas compressors, which look very similar to their steam engine design ( care is required when identifying on-site!).

Manlove, Alliott can also be found without the Fryer. I think Rouen was just a sales agency for France/French Colonies.

Ruston Proctor built portables and traction engines as well as stationary engines. They are a fore-runner of Ruston & Hornsby, who were already building stationary steam engines c. 1900 before their better-known horizontal slow speed open-crank oil engines - a small duplex used to be on show in the old Birmingham Science Museum.

Thomas Piggott engines are very rare. To my knowledge only one survives in UK - the workable preserved 1852 beam engine (+ Cornish boiler) at Combe Mill, Oxfordshire.

Worthington Simpson were the UK offshoot and licensee of the Henry Worthington Co. of New York. Newark was their main Works although earlier they had a works in East London. They were originally James Simpson & Co. before the Worthington buy-in and were/are best known for Waterworks/sewage equipment (and complete projects) and water pumps of all kinds. Both companies are still very much in business making motor-driven centrifugal water pumps. The famous patent horizontal duplex non-rotative direct acting boiler feed pump, Worthington's (USA) first product continued to be produced in huge numbers (probably the largest number of any steam design) right into the 1980s in both UK and USA and I believe they still supply spares.

Rob and Yuehong  Dickinson
